How to deliver engaging presentations:
“Surprise your audience with a novel and emotionally engaging message. Build an experience by telling them something they didn’t know about before.” – Monika Tandon
It’s the story, not the power point slides that will entice your audience. – Monika Tandon
Create a story: Keep power point aside and take a pen & paper to script down a personal story or a business story that goes with the theme of your presentation. Script a story with a compelling hook and with a defined objective.
Easy to understand: Make sure your content and language is relatable and easy to understand. Avoid using complicated words, jargons or acronyms. Simple sentences are easy to understand and easy to recall.
Master the art of public speaking: Maintain eye contact with your audience as it is associated with confidence and your passion as a subject matter expert.
Energy: We all love people who has a smile on their face, always full of energy and vibrant. You can’t inspire others with dull expressions. Persuade the listeners with enthusiasm and light up the room with the energy you bring in!
Rehearse: There is no parallel to practice, it takes hours of hard work to rehearse and improvise your content and delivery. To be an effortless presenter one has to make efforts before the presentation to internalize and rehearse the content.
One thing that distinguishes a mediocre speaker to a great speaker is how much efforts you are ready to invest to script, plan and pace your presentation.
Published by Monika Tandon